Get Started with Ocean Software#

New to Ocean™ software? This section describes how to install the Ocean SDK and gives an overview of using it to solve hard problems on D-Wave™ quantum computers.

Initial Set Up#

The following steps set up your development environment for Ocean:

  1. Installing the Ocean SDK

    Installation is not needed if you are using an IDE that implements the Development Containers specification (aka “devcontainers”), whether locally on your system (e.g., VS Code) or cloud-based (e.g., GitHub Codespaces), because you can work in an updated Ocean environment through the Ocean Docker file.

  2. Authorizing Access to the Leap Service

    Optionally authorize Ocean software to access your Leap™ service account to facilitate token management.

  3. Configuring Access to the Leap Service (Basic)

    Enable the running of problems in the Leap service, using quantum-classical hybrid solvers and quantum computers.

Ocean SDK’s Programming Model#

Learn Ocean software’s workflow and structure.

The two main steps of solving problems on quantum computers.

Ocean software stack graphic and description.