- StructuredSolver.estimate_qpu_access_time(num_qubits: int, num_reads: int = 1, annealing_time: float | None = None, anneal_schedule: list[tuple[float, float]] | None = None, initial_state: list[tuple[float, float]] | None = None, reverse_anneal: bool = False, reinitialize_state: bool = False, programming_thermalization: float | None = None, readout_thermalization: float | None = None, reduce_intersample_correlation: bool = False, **kwargs) float [source]#
Estimates QPU access time for a submission to the selected solver.
Estimates a problem’s quantum processing unit (QPU) access time from the parameter values you specify, timing data provided in the
solver property, and the number of qubits used to embed the problem on the selected QPU, as described in the Estimating Access Time section.Requires that you provide the number of qubits to be used for your problem submission. Embedding is typically heuristic and the number of required qubits can vary between executions.
- Parameters:
num_qubits – Number of qubits required to represent your binary quadratic model on the selected solver.
num_reads – Number of reads. Provide this value if you explicitly set
in your submission.annealing_time – Annealing duration. Provide this value of if you set
in your submission.anneal_schedule – Anneal schedule. Provide the
if you set it in your submission.initial_state – Initial state. Provide the
if your submission uses reverse annealing.reinitialize_state – Set to
if your submission setsreinitialize_state
.programming_thermalization – programming thermalization time. Provide this value if you explicitly set a value for
in your submission.readout_thermalization – Set to
if your submission setsreadout_thermalization
.reduce_intersample_correlation – Set to
if your submission setsreduce_intersample_correlation
- Returns:
Estimated QPU access time, in microseconds.
- Raises:
KeyError – If a solver property, or a field in the
solver property, required by the timing model is missing for the selected solver.ValueError – If conflicting parameters are set or the selected solver uses an unsupported timing model.
This example estimates the QPU access time for a ferromagnetic problem using all the selected QPU’s qubits before deciding whether to submit the problem.
>>> from dimod import BinaryQuadraticModel >>> from dwave.cloud import Client >>> reads = 100 >>> max_time = 100000 >>> with Client.from_config() as client: ... solver = client.get_solver(qpu=True) ... bqm = BinaryQuadraticModel({}, {edge: -1 for edge in solver.edges}, "BINARY") ... num_qubits = len(solver.nodes) ... estimated_runtime = solver.estimate_qpu_access_time(num_qubits, num_reads=reads) ... print("Estimate of {:.0f}us on {}".format(estimated_runtime, solver.name)) ... if estimated_runtime < max_time: ... computation = solver.sample_bqm(bqm, num_reads=reads) Estimate of 42657us on Advantage_system4.1 >>> print("QPU access time: {:.0f}us".format(computation.timing["qpu_access_time"])) QPU access time: 42640us