.. _index_concepts: ======== Concepts ======== .. toctree:: :hidden: csp hybrid models penalty samplers samplesets symbolic_math variables Find concepts/terminology you are looking for here or under the :ref:`generated_site_index`. .. _terminology_links: Concepts and Terminology ======================== .. glossary:: access time Execution time for a single quantum machine instruction (:term:`QMI`, or problem). Learn more: :ref:`qpu_timing_breakdown_access`. adiabatic An annealing process that experiences no interference from outside energy sources and evolves the Hamiltonian slowly enough is called an *adiabatic* process. Learn more: :ref:`qpu_quantum_annealing_intro`. Advantage The |dwave_5kq_tm| quantum computer is the first quantum system designed for business and is the most powerful and connected commercial quantum computer in the world, with more than 5000 qubits and 35,000 couplers. |dwave_5kq| :term:`QPUs ` are named :code:`Advantage_system`, with ``x`` numbering :term:`solver` (|dwave_short| system) resources and ``y`` possibly incrementing on updates such as newer calibrations; for example, the first online QPU was :code:`Advantage_system1.1`. Advantage2 The |adv2_tm| quantum computer is |dwave_short|'s next-generation :term:`QPU`, after the :term:`Advantage` quantum computer. anneal annealing See :term:`quantum annealing`. anneal offset Provide offsets to annealing paths, per qubit. Learn more: * :ref:`parameter_qpu_anneal_offsets` for the solver property. * :ref:`qpu_qa_anneal_offsets` for a description. anneal schedule annealing schedule A single, global, time-dependent bias controls the changes of energy scales :math:`A(s)` and :math:`B(s)` during the quantum annealing process. Learn more: * :ref:`qpu_quantum_annealing_intro` for an introduction. * :ref:`qpu_annealprotocol_standard`. * :ref:`qpu_annealprotocol_fast`. * :ref:`qpu_qa_anneal_sched` for pause, quench, and reverse anneal. * :ref:`qpu_solver_properties_specific` for the schedules of each QPU, as spreadsheets. binary quadratic model BQM A collection of binary-valued variables (variables that can be assigned two values, for example -1, 1) with associated linear and quadratic biases. Sometimes referred to in other tools as a problem. Learn more: :ref:`concept_models_bqm`. chain chains One or more nodes or qubits in a target graph that represent a single variable in the source graph. See also :term:`embedding`. Learn more: * :ref:`qpu_embedding_intro` for an introduction. * :ref:`qpu_example_and` for an example. * :ref:`qpu_embedding_guidance` for advanced information. chain break broken chain In chains, the qubits that form the nodes of the chain should always end the :term:`anneal` with the same value; when qubits in a chain take different values, the chain is considered broken. Learn more * :ref:`qpu_example_and` explains broken chains. * :ref:`qpu_example_inspector_graph_partitioning` uses the problem inspector (the :ref:`dwave-inspector `) for viewing and dealing with broken chains. chain length The number of qubits in a :term:`Chain`. Learn more: * :ref:`qpu_embedding_intro` for an introduction. * :ref:`qpu_embedding_guidance` for advanced information. chain strength Magnitude of the negative quadratic bias applied between variables to form a chain. Learn more: * :ref:`qpu_embedding_intro` for an introduction. * :ref:`qpu_example_and` for an example. * :ref:`qpu_embedding_guidance` for advanced information. charge_time charge time Time charged to your `Leap service `_ account. Learn more: :ref:`opt_leap_hybrid_timing` describes the timing for hybrid solvers. Chimera A D-Wave :term:`QPU` is a lattice of interconnected qubits. While some qubits connect to others via couplers, D-Wave QPUs are not fully connected. For earlier D-Wave 2000Q QPUs, the qubits interconnected in an architecture known as Chimera. See also :term:`Pegasus` and :term:`Zephyr`. Learn more: :ref:`qpu_topologies`. classical classical solver An algorithm that runs on any non-quantum `computer `. Learn more: :ref:`qpu_classical_intro`. clique complete graph fully connected See `complete graph `_ on Wikipedia or :ref:`dnx_clique`. A fully connected or complete :term:`binary quadratic model` is one that has interactions between all of its variables. combinatorial optimization discrete optimization The optimization of an :term:`objective function` defined over a set of discrete values such as Booleans. composed sampler Samplers that apply pre- and/or post-processing to binary quadratic programs without changing the underlying :term:`sampler` implementation by layering composite patterns on the sampler. For example, a composed sampler might add spin transformations when sampling from a D-Wave quantum computer. Learn more: :ref:`dimod_composites`. composite A :term:`sampler` can be composed. The `composite pattern `_ allows layers of pre- and post-processing to be applied to binary quadratic programs without needing to change the underlying sampler implementation. We refer to these layers as "composites". A composed sampler includes at least one sampler and possibly many composites. Learn more: :ref:`dimod_composites`. connected graph See `connected graph `_ on the US NIST site. A connected graph has some path from any vertex to any other. A graph that has at least two vertices without a path between them is disconnected. Any :term:`Complete graph` is connected (but not all connected graphs are complete). constrained quadratic model CQM A collection of variables with associated linear and quadratic biases representing a problem modeled as an :term:`objective function` and inequality and equality constraints. Learn more: :ref:`concept_models_cqm`. constraint hard constraint soft constraint A constraint is a condition of an optimization problem that the solution must satisfy ("hard" constraint) or is preferred to satisfy ("soft" constraint). See `Constraint (mathematics) `_. constraint satisfaction problem CSP A `constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) `_ requires that all the problem's variables be assigned values, out of a finite domain, that result in the satisfying of all constraints. Learn more: :ref:`concept_constraint_satisfaction_problem`. coupler couplers Couplers can correlate two qubits such that they tend to end up in the same classical state---both 0 or both 1---or in opposite states. The correlation between coupled qubits is controlled programmatically. discrete quadratic model DQM A collection of discrete-valued variables (variables that can be assigned the values specified by a set such as :math:`\{red, green, blue\}` or :math:`\{33, 5.7, 3,14 \}` ) with associated linear and quadratic biases. Learn more: :ref:`concept_models_dqm`. embed embedding minor embed minor-embed minor embedding minor-embedding Nodes and edges on the graph that represents an objective function translate to qubits and couplers in the QPU :term:`topology`. Each logical qubit, in the graph of the :term:`objective function`, may be represented by one or more physical qubits. The process of mapping the logical qubits to physical qubits is known as minor embedding. Learn more: * :ref:`qpu_embedding_intro` for an introduction. * :ref:`qpu_embedding_guidance` for advanced information. * :ref:`qpu_topologies` on QPU topologies. * :ref:`qpu_example_not`, :ref:`qpu_example_and`, and :ref:`qpu_example_multigate` for examples and more information. excited state States of a quantum system that have higher energy than the :term:`ground state`. Such states represent non-optimal solutions for problems represented by an :term:`objective function` and infeasible configurations for problems represented by a :term:`penalty model`. Learn more: :ref:`qpu_quantum_annealing_intro`. feasible state A state in which the values of variables do not violate any hard :term:`constraint`. flux bias flux-bias offset Flux biases can be used to refine the standard calibration and to bias qubits indirectly when you cannot set a bias on the qubit. Learn more: * :ref:`parameter_qpu_flux_biases` for a description of the parameter. * :ref:`qpu_error_fix_fbo` fo ran explanation of calibration refinement. * :ref:`qpu_config_emulate_with_fbo`. gate model circuit model Gate-model quantum computing, also known as circuit model, implements compute algorithms with `quantum gates `_, analogously to the use of `Boolean gates `_ in classical computers. Learn more: :ref:`qpu_gate_model_intro`. graph A collection of nodes and edges. A graph can be derived from a :term:`model`\ : a node for each variable and an edge for each pair of variables with a non-zero quadratic bias. ground state The lowest-energy state of a quantum-mechanical system and the global minimum of a problem represented by an :term:`objective function`. Hamiltonian A classical Hamiltonian is a mathematical description of some physical system in terms of its energies. We can input any particular state of the system, and the Hamiltonian returns the energy for that state. For a quantum system, a Hamiltonian is a function that maps certain states, called *eigenstates*, to energies. Only when the system is in an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian is its energy well defined and called the *eigenenergy*. When the system is in any other state, its energy is uncertain. For D-Wave quantum computers, the Hamiltonian may be represented as .. math:: :nowrap: \begin{equation} {\cal H}_{ising} = \underbrace{\frac{A({s})}{2} \left(\sum_i {\hat\sigma_{x}^{(i)}}\right)}_\text{Initial Hamiltonian} + \underbrace{\frac{B({s})}{2} \left(\sum_{i} h_i {\hat\sigma_{z}^{(i)}} + \sum_{i>j} J_{i,j} {\hat\sigma_{z}^{(i)}} {\hat\sigma_{z}^{(j)}}\right)}_\text{Final Hamiltonian} \end{equation} where :math:`{\hat\sigma_{x,z}^{(i)}}` are Pauli matrices operating on a qubit :math:`q_i`, and :math:`h_i` and :math:`J_{i,j}` are the qubit biases and coupling strengths. Learn more: * :ref:`qpu_quantum_annealing_intro` for an introduction. * :ref:`qpu_annealing` for advanced information on implementation. hardware graph The hardware graph is the physical lattice of interconnected qubits. See also :term:`working graph`. Learn more: :ref:`qpu_topologies`. hybrid Quantum-classical hybrid is the use of both classical and quantum resources to solve problems, exploiting the complementary strengths that each provides. Learn more: * :ref:`concept_hybrid` for an introduction. * :ref:`opt_index_hybrid` gets you started with hybrid samplers. * :ref:`opt_index_properties_parameters` describes the supported hybrid solvers in the :term:`Leap service`. * :ref:`opt_index_improving_solutions` describes best practices. ICE integrated control errors The dynamic range of :ref:`parameter_qpu_h` and :ref:`parameter_qpu_j` values may be limited by *integrated control errors* (ICE). The term *ICE* refers collectively to these sources of infidelity in problem representation. Learn more: :ref:`qpu_errors`. infeasible state A state in which the values of variables violate a :term:`constraint`. Ising .. include:: ../shared/models.rst :start-after: start_models_ising_formula :end-before: end_models_ising_formula Learn more: * `Ising Model on Wikipedia `_. * :ref:`concept_models` on supported models. Leap Leap service Launched in 2018, the |cloud_tm| quantum cloud service from |dwave_short|_ brings quantum computing to the real world by providing real-time cloud access to D-Wave's systems. linear program linear optimization `Linear programming `_ (LP) is a method to achieve the best outcome (such as maximum profit or lowest cost) in a mathematical model whose requirements and objective are represented by linear relationships. See also :term:`nonlinear model`. minimum gap The minimum distance between the :term:`ground state` and the first :term:`excited state` throughout any point in the anneal. Learn more: :ref:`qpu_quantum_annealing_intro`. model A collection of variables with associated biases. Sometimes referred to as a **problem**. Learn more: :ref:`concept_models` nonlinear model A collection of variables with associated biases that constitute an :term:`objective function` and/or constraints. Sometimes referred to as a **problem**. See also :term:`linear program`. Learn more: :ref:`concept_models_nonlinear`. Ocean Ocean\ |tm| software is a suite of tools for using `D-Wave Quantum Inc. `_ quantum computers and :term:`hybrid` :term:`solvers `. Learn more: :ref:`index_ocean_sdk`. objective function objective A mathematical expression of the energy of a system as a function of its variables. Learn more: :ref:`qpu_quantum_annealing_intro`. one-hot For one-hot variables, the only valid values are those in which a single bit is 1 and the others are all zero. See `one-hot on Wikipedia `_ for details. Learn more: :ref:`qpu_reformulating_onehot_domainwall` Pegasus A D-Wave :term:`QPU` is a lattice of interconnected qubits. While some qubits connect to others via couplers, D-Wave QPUs are not fully connected. For an Advantage QPU, the qubits interconnect in an architecture known as Pegasus. See also :term:`Chimera` and :term:`Zephyr`. Learn more: :ref:`qpu_topologies`. penalty function An algorithm for solving constrained optimization problems. In the context of Ocean tools, penalty functions are typically employed to increase the energy level of a problem's :term:`objective function` by penalizing non-valid configurations. See `Penalty method on Wikipedia `_. Learn more: :ref:`concept_penalty`. penalty penalty model An approach to solving constraint satisfaction problems (CSP) using an :term:`Ising` model or a :term:`QUBO` by mapping each individual constraint in the CSP to a "small" Ising model or QUBO. Learn more: :ref:`concept_penalty`. postprocessing Postprocessing in the context of using a solver can refer to additional (classical) computation that improves the results at low cost; for example majority voting on broken :term:`chains `. Learn more: * :ref:`qpu_config_postprocessing` for an introduction. * :ref:`qpu_postprocessing` for results of postprocessing results returned from a quantum computer. preprocessing Preprocessing can refer to some low-cost classical computation applied to a problem before submitting to a solver, or as part of the solver's work on the problem. Learn more: * :ref:`index_preprocessing` QMI Quantum machine instruction. QPU Quantum processing unit. Learn more: :ref:`qpu_quantum_annealing_intro`. qpu_access_time :term:`QPU` time used by a :term:`hybrid` solver. Learn more: :ref:`opt_leap_hybrid_timing` describes the timing for hybrid solvers. quadratic model A collection of variables with associated linear and quadratic biases. Sometimes referred to as a **problem**. Quadratic functions have one or two variables per term. A simple example of a quadratic function is, .. math:: D = Ax + By + Cxy where :math:`A`, :math:`B`, and :math:`C` are constants. Single variable terms---:math:`Ax` and :math:`By` here---are linear with the constant biasing the term's variable. Two-variable terms---:math:`Cxy` here---are quadratic with a relationship between the variables. Ocean software also provides support for :ref:`higher order models `, which are typically reduced to quadratic for sampling. Learn more: :ref:`concept_models_quadratic`. quantum annealing quantum annealer Quantum annealers are quantum computers that you initialize in a low-energy state and gradually introduce the parameters of a problem you wish to solve. The slow change makes it likely that the system ends in a low-energy state of the problem, which corresponds to an optimal solution. Learn more: * :ref:`qpu_quantum_annealing_intro` for an introduction. * :ref:`qpu_annealprotocol_standard`. * :ref:`qpu_annealprotocol_fast`. * :ref:`qpu_qa_anneal_sched` for pause, quench, and reverse anneal. quantum computing quantum computer A `quantum computer `_ is a computer that exploits `quantum mechanical `_ phenomena. Today, there are two leading candidate architectures for quantum computers: :ref:`gate model ` (also known as `circuit model `_) and :term:`quantum annealing`. Learn more: :ref:`qpu_quantum_annealing_intro` qubit qubits A qubit, short for quantum bit, is a basic unit of quantum information, a two-state (or two-level) quantum-mechanical system; for example, the spin of the electron in which the two levels can be taken as spin up and spin down. See `Qubit on Wikipedia `_. QUBO .. include:: ../shared/models.rst :start-after: start_models_qubo_formula :end-before: end_models_qubo_formula See also `QUBO on Wikipedia `_. Learn more: :ref:`concept_models_qubo`. run_time runtime Time a :term:`hybrid` solver spent working on your problem. Learn more: * :ref:`opt_leap_hybrid_timing` describes the timing for hybrid solvers. * :ref:`qpu_timing_runtime_limits` describes the runtime limit for a problem executing on a quantum computer. sampler Samplers are processes that sample from low energy states of a problem's objective function, which is a mathematical expression of the energy of a system. A binary quadratic model (:term:`BQM`) sampler samples from low energy states in models such as those defined by an :term:`Ising` equation or a :term:`QUBO` problem and returns an iterable of samples, in order of increasing energy. Samplers run---either remotely (for example, in the `Leap `_ service) or locally on your CPU---on compute resources known as :term:`solvers `. (Note that some classical samplers actually brute-force solve small problems rather than sample, and these are also referred to as solvers.) Learn more: :ref:`concept_samplers`. sampleset samples solutions Ocean uses a :class:`~dimod.SampleSet` class to hold samples and some additional information. Learn more: :ref:`concept_samplesets`. SAPI Solver API used by clients to communicate with a :term:`solver`. Learn more: * :ref:`ocean_sapi_access_basic`. * :ref:`ocean_sapi_access_advanced` SAT satisfiability boolean satisfiability problem A problem of whether a formula's variables can be consistently replaced by the values TRUE or FALSE to make the formula evaluate to TRUE. See also :term:`CSP`. Learn more: `satisfiability (SAT) `_ service time Service time is defined as the difference between the times of the ingress time (arrival at :term:`SAPI`) and sampleset's egress (exit from the quantum computer) for each quantum machine instruction (QMI). Learn more: :ref:`qpu_timing_breakdown_service`. solver A resource that runs a problem. Some solvers interface to the :term:`QPU`; others leverage CPU and GPU resources. Learn more: :ref:`concept_samplers`. source source graph In the context of :term:`embedding`, the model or induced :term:`graph` that we wish to embed. Sometimes referred to as the **logical** graph/model. Learn more: * :ref:`qpu_embedding_intro` for an introduction. * :ref:`qpu_embedding_guidance` for advanced information. * :ref:`qpu_topologies` on QPU topologies. spin-reversal transform gauge transform SRT Applying a spin-reversal transform can improve results by reducing the impact of unintended biases of coupling :math:`J_{i,j}` adding a small bias to qubits :math:`i` and :math:`j` due to leakage. Learn more: :ref:`qpu_config_srt`. structured sampler Samplers that are restricted to sampling only binary quadratic models defined on a specific :term:`graph`. subgraph See `subgraph `_ on Wikipedia. symbolic math :ref:`index_dimod` supports symbolic math that can simplify your coding of problems. Learn more: :ref:`concept_symbolic_math`. target target graph :term:`Embedding` attempts to create a target :term:`model` from a target :term:`graph`. The process of embedding takes a source model, derives the source graph, maps the source graph to the target graph, then derives the target model. Sometimes referred to as the **embedded** graph/model. Learn more: * :ref:`qpu_embedding_intro` for an introduction. * :ref:`qpu_embedding_guidance` for advanced information. * :ref:`qpu_topologies` on QPU topologies. topology architecture The layout of the |dwave_short| quantum processing unit (:term:`QPU`): The QPU is a lattice of interconnected :term:`qubits`. While some qubits connect to others via :term:`couplers`, the QPU is not fully connected. Instead, the qubits of |dwave_short| annealing quantum computers interconnect in a topology such as :term:`Pegasus`. Learn more: :ref:`qpu_topologies` working graph In a D-Wave QPU, the set of qubits and couplers that are available for computation is known as the working graph. The yield of a working graph is typically less than 100% of qubits and couplers that are fabricated and physically present in the QPU. See :term:`hardware graph`. Learn more: :ref:`qpu_topologies`. Zephyr A D-Wave :term:`QPU` is a lattice of interconnected qubits. While some qubits connect to others via couplers, D-Wave QPUs are not fully connected. For D-Wave's next-generation QPU currently under development, the qubits interconnect in an architecture known as Zephyr. See also :term:`Pegasus` and :term:`Chimera`. Learn more: :ref:`qpu_topologies`. .. _generated_site_index: Generated Ocean Index ===================== Search the automatically generated :ref:`Ocean site index `.